Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Ιαπωνικό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Ιαπωνικό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα :
«On the occasion of the 23rd Congress of the Progressive Party of Working People, the Japanese Communist Party sends to all the delegates and members our heartfelt greetings of solidarity.
Your party has long played the valuable role in the political and social progress of Cyprus, and we wish your 23rd Congress be successful for defending worker’s rights and livelihoods, freedom and democracy as well as for advancement of party building, while holding the COVID-19 situation in check. We also express our solidarity with your consistent efforts for a peaceful reunification of Cyprus.
In Japan, we are struggling against the ruling political coalition and its Suga administration that take poor measures for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and worsen the public health condition, welfare, and working conditions. By winning the coming Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election and the following general election, we aim to change Japan’s political course and establish a new coalition government with other opposition parties.
We sincerely wish that the relationship of our two parties will further develop through cooperation on common tasks such as overcoming the pandemic, addressing the climate crisis, advancing for nuclear weapons abolition and removing foreign military bases.
Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Chairperson of the International Commission»