Μήνυμα του Γερμανικού Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος προς το 23ο Συνέδριο του ΑΚΕΛ
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Γερμανικό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα:
«Dear Comrade Andros Kyprianou, dear Comrades!
The German Communist Party, its Central Committee, and its members, send you the warmest, fraternal greetings on your 23rd Party Congress!
After the parliamentary elections, your party is in a far from uncomplicated situation with this party congress. We share what you have written and published about it: your analysis of the lack of perspectives of the youth, the sinking standards of living, the corruption and, above all, the absolutely unresolved question of the division of your country into a free and an occupied part is absolutely correct, we express our full agreement and solidarity. And yet, it seems that we have not succeeded in transforming these correct analyses into more public approval.
This is not only the case in Cyprus and AKEL, but in almost all the countries of the world, the analysis and the success of the Communist Parties are strikingly disproportionate. This is why we all like to add the phrase “the party congress is taking place under complicated circumstances” to greetings to party congresses. Of course, circumstances are always complicated under capitalism, otherwise we would already be two steps ahead. Rather, it is the case that we can only be satisfied with our politics in this field of analysis, while the media do their utmost to separate us from the masses. In many countries, they are successful in this; however, only in a few countries are the Communist Parties still strong enough to keep their head up. Cyprus is one of them.
This is the important message of the elections, in which AKEL still won almost a quarter of the votes, and which you should keep in mind: AKEL is not just another party in the political spectrum, but AKEL stands for the solution of the fundamental problems of capitalism, which, however, cannot be solved within its
framework, but only by overcoming it. At the same time, however, don’t forget that it must also be about the struggle for reforms, which, according to Lenin, have a double character: to improve living conditions already here and now, and at the same time, to show that they can only have limited effectiveness.
In this sense, we wish you continued good analytical skills, but above all that you may consolidate the longlasting connection with the people.
Long live International Solidarity!
For a successful 23rd Party Congress!»
Renate Koppe
International Secretary
Günter Pohl
Member of the International Commission