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Austerity policies breed the extreme right and racism

Article by Neoklis Sylikiotis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, AKEL MEP and GUE/NGL Vice-President

6TH February 2017

Neoklis 33The latest elections in Europe, a continent which has paid a heavy bloody price combating the ideas of fascism and nationalism, have unfortunately illustrated that the extreme right-wing forces are again gaining strength. Fascism’s thousand faces are prevailing through xenophobic and racist parties in Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands, but also in Greece and Cyprus.

History teaches us that the rise of the extreme right and fascism is directly linked to the intensity of the capitalist crisis, the impoverishment of the peoples and the oppression working people face. Fascism appears with its forces enhanced and grows stronger when there is a crisis and when its acts as the system’s reserve force. This is what is happening today in Europe.

As the Left we have sounded the alarm long ago, stressing that inhuman face of the EU is breeding and giving rise to fascism and racism.

The EU is becoming a servant of the imperialist wars waged by the US and NATO. It bears grave responsibilities for the worsening of the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Instead of elaborating and developing a refugee policy based on solidarity and humanism, it is enforcing “fortress Europe” and concluding unacceptable agreements with Turkey, as a result of which thousands of refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean Sea.

At the same time, as a result of the actions and policies pursued by the major political forces, namely the Conservatives, the Liberals, but unfortunately also by the overwhelming majority of Social Democratic leaders, the promotion of neoliberal policies of vicious austerity is being dogmatically pursued, as well as measures deepening the EU’s economic and monetary union. Thus, labour relations are increasingly being deregulated even more, public wealth and property is being sold off to private capital, the already curbed welfare state is being dismantled and the peoples are being driven into more impoverishment and poverty.

The extreme right, racist, xenophobic and fascist movements are exploiting this crisis afflicting the peoples in Europe in order to protect and serve the interests of big capital and the ruling forces. Their populist rhetoric, as well as the supposed criticism they exert does not in any way aim at enhancing people’s quality of life, at safeguarding their rights or at ensuring the fair distribution of wealth. Instead, the sole goal of racist and populist frenzy is to divide the working people and disorientate the people from the struggle against neoliberal policies and the fight for a Europe of peace, solidarity and social justice.

The racist policies supported by the newly elected US President Donald Trump are in the same direction. Trump’s presidential decree, which prohibits the entry to the US of citizens from seven Muslim countries and the decision taken to suspend the refugee reception program, reveals his extremely dangerous and xenophobic ideas that unquestionably foment racism. These decisions however are not something new, but are a continuation of “anti-terrorist” repressive measures which have been implemented by all US governments to date.

Furthermore, some European leaders are also regretfully developing equally dangerous xenophobic and racist attitudes, closing borders, building fences and trapping refugees in inhumane conditions in Greece.

Therefore, the results of the elections looming in 2017 in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and possibly also in Italy, will play a decisive role as regards Europe’s future. If extremist forces will be strengthened even more very big dangers lie ahead for the peoples of Europe.

As the Left, we will not stay inactive. We will react dynamically.

The only way to defeat fascism and racism is to combat neoliberal and imperialist policies that are feeding and nurturing fascist organizations, and to strengthen the forces of the radical left.

The new dynamic which has been created in some southern countries with the rise of left-wing parties, strengthens our struggle against the extreme right and its various expressions, such as racism, chauvinism, bigotry and intolerance.

With the power of the left, we are fighting to put an end to the neoliberal policies of brutal austerity that have plunged the peoples into misery and reinforced the extreme right as a force protecting the system.

We are struggling to promote measures that will boost the real economy, create new jobs and for a social growth that must benefit the peoples.

But to achieve our goal, it is crucial that we strengthen even further the waging of organized mass struggles, solidarity and the political presence of the left.


Interview with Toumazos Tsielepis, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, International Law expert, Head of the Cyprus Problem Office of AKEL and current member of the Support Team to the Greek Cypriot negotiator at the talks.


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