Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο από το Κόμμα Εργατών Βελγίου (PTB)
Μήνυμα προς το 23ο Συνέδριο απέστειλε το Κόμμα Εργατών Βελγίου (PTB):
«Dear comrades at AKEL’s Central Committee,
On behalf of the Worker’s Party of Belgium, I congratulate you on the occasion of your 23rd Party Congress.
Many of the discussions you are debating today are questions we discuss as well. We share common challenges.
We are well aware how important this Congress is to you and wish you all the best. We are confident that the exercise of analysis and introspection you are conducting at this congress will be fruitful, and will allow you to determine the best path to follow to advance the workers’ rights and achieve the reunification of Cyprus.
A strong AKEL matters, not just for the working class in Cyprus, but for workers throughout Europe. You can count on our solidarity.
With all our solidarity, and with communist greetings,»
Peter Mertens
Workers’ Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA)