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The government’s silence on Israeli involvement in the country’s airports is, to say the least, suspicious


The government’s silence on AKEL’s questions regarding Israeli involvement in the security of Cyprus’ airports is suspicious and is increasing worries among citizens. We once again call on the government to respond to the following:

– Why did the Israelis ban flights (note: of their air companies) from Paphos airport? What is going on at Larnaca airport that makes it different?

– Have the Israeli authorities requested any involvement in the security issues of one or the other of the country’s airports? If so, what was the government’s response?

– Are armed men of Israel or of any other state present in any air traffic control tower in our country?

AKEL underlines that the security of the country, its citizens and its infrastructure is of the absolute responsibility and jurisdiction of the Republic of Cyprus and not of any other foreign state.




Speech of Sevgul Uludag at the Opening of Bicommunal Exhibition "From pain to Hope"


Statement by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL, Stefanos Stefanos, after the meeting with the All Party British Parliamentary Group for Cyprus