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Speech by General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou at the 35th “Tefkros Anthias – Theodosis Pierides” Cultural Contribution Award Ceremony


Monday 26 June 2023, “Pallas” Theatre, Nicosia


Dear friends,

Our honored cultural artists,

I welcome you to the 35th Award Ceremony of the “Tefkros Anthias – Theodosis Pierides” Cultural Achievement Award of the C.C. of AKEL. The event, which focuses on creators of culture with a long-standing contribution to the production and promotion of cultural activity in Cyprus.

Historically, Cyprus has given birth to very important creators of culture in literature and the arts, whose work in many cases transcends the borders of our small country. Culture without creators cannot exist. For us at AKEL, the appreciation, recognition and promotion of the work of creators of culture is an imperative act.

The creators of culture we honor tonight have left an indelible mark in the field of culture. Christos Hatzipapas, Ayis Ioannides and Katia Christodoulou have served the art of literature, music and photography with dedication and zeal respectively. With their talent and their work, which blends in a dynamic and creative package with their social sensitivity and their love for the common people, they have managed to establish themselves in the consciousness of people of culture and society in general.

Christos Hatzipapas belongs to the category of writers who live intensely in their time and turn their concerns into literature. A literature that tries to stimulate the sensitive feelings of people and mobilize them to strengthen the universal human ideals of peace, justice and solidarity. His literary work, both poetry and prose, has received numerous awards and prizes. He actively participates in every event and mobilization that brings together the two communities of Cyprus and contributes to the struggle for the longed-for solution of the Cyprus problem and reunification.

His contribution to the organisation of joint actions with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots is particularly noteworthy. His continuous and decisive involvement in the Writers’ Union, of which he served as President for a number of years, as well as his contribution to the continued publication of the progressive cultural magazine “NEW ERA”, is continuous and decisive.

Ayis Ioannides has had a successful international career as an opera conductor, artistic director of orchestras, member of the Board of Directors of European organizations, representing the Republic of Cyprus many times in international festivals and events. As a composer, he records important work for choirs, musical ensembles, as well as the theatre. As the first permanent artistic director of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and the Youth Orchestra, he laid the foundations for their expansion and development by creating new institutions, such as the Youth Music Workshop. Serving the collective effort of Cyprus musicians, he served for years as vice-president of the Cyprus Composers’ Association, contributing to the promotion of classical music.

Katia Christodoulou plays a leading role in the field of photojournalism and the art of photography in general. Katia has transformed her camera into an information and awareness-raising tool for problems that concern not only public opinion in Cyprus, but also internationally. Her choice to be in places where human tragedy, poverty and exploitation have no limits, confirms the essential role of art as a vehicle for expressing solidarity and meaningful support to the underprivileged of the world.

Katia Christodoulou’s participation in group exhibitions and the organization of her own solo exhibitions have sealed her great talent in the art of photography. As a result of the above, she has been awarded many important distinctions in Cyprus and abroad.

Dear friends,

The establishment of the Deputy Ministry of Culture was a positive step in enabling the State to develop a comprehensive and effective policy in the sensitive and extremely important field of Culture. AKEL supported the creation of the Deputy Ministry, provided of course that it has the necessary structures, infrastructure, staffing, powers and responsibilities to be able to develop policies, actions and plans for the benefit of cultural creation and creators. As a Party we have tried to improve provisions in the relevant bill and to some extent we have succeeded in doing that.

From the very beginning, we have stressed that what will determine the contribution of the State Ministry of Culture to the cultural affairs of the country is the vision and the political will that must be demonstrated. This applies to all the Deputy Ministries, but in the case of Culture it is even more important because, especially in recent years, culture was not among the priorities of the previous government. There are many problems in the field of culture and the work that needs to be done is immense. We will closely monitor the work of the Deputy Ministry for Culture and will judge its work accordingly.

The new government and the responsible Deputy Ministry of Culture need to make radical changes in many areas and aspects in the field of culture. The answer to the great need for financial support for people involved in culture, but also for the creation of modern structures and infrastructure, is not to share poverty by taking funds from one programme and adding to another. Such a characteristic example is the theatre development programme THYMELI. For years, theatre people have been complaining about the inadequacy of the funds available, which cannot cover the great needs of theatre stages.

The major issue of recognising and safeguarding the professional and social status of artists-creators also remains unresolved. Unemployment, job insecurity, contributions to the social insurance fund, access to the National Health Scheme (GESY), rest leave, maternity leave and the assignment of intellectual and family rights are issues that need to be addressed immediately. We constantly raise these problems in the spotlight and try with our positions and proposals to assert solutions from the executive power.

Along with the above issues, we have repeatedly raised the issue of the professional protection of authors in the European Parliament and succeeded in having this issue discussed in depth. It is worth noting that on Tuesday 4 July, on the initiative of AKEL’s MEP’s, a Hearing will be organised in the European Parliament to discuss the issue of cultural artists professional safeguarding/registration, which is of general concern in the European area.

Dear friends,

What people in culture primarily want is to be free to work and create. To feel the breath and feel the pulse of their audience. People of culture, people of the arts and letters have often confirmed their talent and sensitivity, but also their militancy, keeping alive the timeless values, beauty and humanity. The State and society owes them a lot.  It is time to repay them, even if only in a small way, for what they offer. And, for this to happen, first and foremost, the government needs to put the support of the people of culture and the cultivation of culture at the top of its priorities so that culture does not continue to be the pariah of the government’s work.

In closing, I would like to express my appreciation for the overall contribution of the honored creators of culture, Christos Hatzipapas, Ayis Ioannides and Katia Christodoulou, with the wish that they have strength and health to continue to travel us to the neighbourhoods of the world and humanity with their creations.

Before I leave the podium, I feel the need to warmly thank the Award Committee, which consists of its chairperson Dora Sotiriou and members Arianna Economou, Mikis Kosteas, Olga Pieridou and Antonis Georgiou, for their choices and for the overall work they do.

Special thanks to all of you who honor us tonight with your presence.


Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL S.Stefanou


Speech by General Secretary of the Central Committee of AKEL Stefanos Stefanou at the 35th "Tefkros Anthias - Theodosis Pierides" Cultural Contribution Award Ceremony