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AKEL on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – Combat poverty by taking drastic measures



17 October 2022, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty finds the peoples of Europe and the world facing a new wave of impoverishment accompanying the energy crisis, as was the case with all the previous ones that the peoples have suffered in recent years.

According to the UN, 40,000 children die of hunger every day. More than half of the world’s population (around 3 billion) lives on less than 2 dollars a day. Across the EU, according to figures released by Eurostat, 1 in 5 citizens – approximately 20.3% – live below the poverty line. The corresponding figure in Cyprus stands at 18%. Furthermore, Cypriot society for the first time has homeless people.

AKEL has long since tabled numerous proposals to provide relief to households and small businesses from poverty, but also to strengthen working people’s rights in order to address inflationary pressures and ensure a dignified standard of living for the people of labour.

Among other things, AKEL asserts the full restoration of the Cost of Living Allowance and its extension to cover all workers, the adjustment of social benefits to meet the new needs of recipients and the imposition of a tax on the super profits of the energy companies.

However, even in the cases where AKEL’s proposals – to reduce VAT on electricity and to abolish the double taxation of fuels and pollutants – have become laws by the decision of the majority of Parliament, the government stubbornly refuses to implement them. Instead the government is celebrating the windfall revenues to the state coffers due to the ongoing price hikes, which the Cypriot people also paid twice and three times over.

The government has neither the will to take drastic measures and confront powerful interests, nor is it aware of the reality experienced by vulnerable groups and the vast majority of Cypriot society.



The government is creating budgetary surplus for its two presidential candidates instead of supporting society


As long as DISY is in government it will not stop trampling on working people’s rights