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Disorder, the absence of an overall plan and ambiguities continue over the reopening of schools

Statement by Christos Christofides, Head of the Education Affairs Bureau of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 9th May 2020, Nicosia

Unfortunately, disorder, the absence of an overall plan and ambiguities are continuing over the reopening of schools, increasing the confusion, insecurity and uncertainty among pupils, parents, teachers and other workers employed in our schools. The fact that the President of the Republic himself had to make new corrections and clarifications in public yesterday, but also the Minister of Education convening a new conference to express new positions but also imaginative views, demonstrate this reality. We all want schools to open as soon as possible, provided, of course, that this is done by ensuring, first and foremost, everyone’s health, but also a minimum of efficiency in their operation. We present just a few examples that prove the sloppiness, but unfortunately in some cases the flippancy too of what is being announced:

  • The idea that teachers take their children to school with them creates very serious safety problems for both the children themselves, as well as schools as a whole. It also raises questions about whether this logic will be extended to the wider public and private sectors.
  • The idea of ​​live streaming through classrooms, in addition to being inapplicable due to the lack of proper logistical infrastructure in our schools, besides the need for a classroom director, raises serious personal data issues for both our children and teachers.
  • The delay in announcing all the information with regards the holding of all national exams continues, resulting in additional stress and uncertainty for thousands of children for whom these exams will be crucial.
  • Yesterday’s announcements by the Minister of Education put all levels of education on an equal footing. There are no separate guidelines and clarifications on what will happen in kindergartens, primary schools, secondary education and in special education. We all realize that very different things may apply for a kindergarten, a high school or a school for children with special needs. There is a lack of information about what will happen in private kindergartens.
  • At the same time as the resumption of schools is being planned, two months today since their closure, some children are still waiting for the tablets that the Minister of Education had promised and announced many times in the previous period.

Our sole concern is when our schools will open in the best possible way, safeguarding the health and safety of all, ensuring our children’s best learning outcome. We will continue to point out the problems, weaknesses and shortcomings, as well as to express our opinions and submit proposals to fulfil this goal.



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