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Cooperation between the two communities is demanded to address threats

4th May 2020, “Haravgi” newspaper

AKEL considers that when conditions permit, the President of the Republic must take the initiative on the Cyprus problem and via its General Secretary Andros Kyprianou states that the most effective way to address Turkey’s aggressive and provocative actions is the resumption of substantive negotiations.

At the same time, AKEL, in consultation with Turkish Cypriot parties, is preparing a joint declaration, that will highlight the need for cooperation between the two communities with the goal of solving the Cyprus problem.

Speaking to “Haravgi” newspaper and asked if the time has come to also discuss the Cyprus problem with the return to normality, A. Kyprianou recalled that in the Berlin meeting (between the UN Secretary General with the leaders of the two communities) the decision was taken that after the assumption of the new leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community in the occupied territories, a new procedure must begin on the Cyprus problem.

“The pandemic has certainly caused an upheaval and also a delay. Our view is that when conditions permit, the President of the Republic must take initiatives that must be characterised by consistency and a commitment towards achieving a solution as soon as possible; a solution that will be based on the agreed framework and seek, in cooperation and in consultation with the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, substantive negotiations. Today we are faced with many dangers. We are confronted with Turkey’s increased and escalating aggressive and provocative actions, which are both illegal and unacceptable. The most effective way to deal with them is to resume substantive negotiations on the Cyprus problem, with the goal of reaching an agreed solution as soon as possible. If we do not understand this thing, then we will face many difficulties”, warns the General Secretary of AKEL.

If the pandemic has proved anything, it is that cooperation between the two communities is demanded to address threats. Today it is the COVID-19 pandemic. Yesterday it was the fires breaking out. Tomorrow it may be something else. The General Secretary of AKEL went on to urge and stress that cooperation is necessary. “As long as the Cyprus problem is not solved, there will be obstacles, problems and difficulties in achieving this cooperation. The most extensive cooperation that can exist between the two communities, at least between those who want and seek reunification on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation, concerns the effort for a solution of the Cyprus problem.”

AKEL, the General Secretary of AKEL underlines, is in contact with Turkish Cypriot political parties “and we are trying to shape such developments that will enable some cooperation. We are in the process of arriving at a common understanding, with the aim of agreeing to a joint declaration, which will highlight precisely the need for cooperation between the two communities to solve the Cyprus problem. I hope and wish that we will soon be able to announce such a cooperation”, A.Kyprianou stresses to “Haravgi”.

Decisions must be taken on checkpoints

Asked whether with the gradual lifting of the restrictive measures and whether the time has also come to relax the restrictive measures regarding checkpoints, A. Kyprianou replied: “The time will come. The closure of the checkpoints cannot continue. Decisions on this issue too must also be taken in consultation. ”



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