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Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou on the President of the Republic’s address to the people yesterday

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th April 2020, Nicosia

Yesterday’s address to the people by the President of the Republic on the plan to lift the restrictive measures in general is moving in the right direction, although some aspects raise serious questions.

Subject to clarifications that we await from the competent Ministers later today, the Government needs to reply to some logical questions. For example:

  1. Is everything that was announced last night in line with the recommendations of the scientists advising the Government all this time? For example, over the past few days it has been suggested that churches would open at a later stage to avoid the congregation of vulnerable groups of the population. What has changed and all of a sudden they have found themselves in the early stages of restrictions being lifted? We clarify that we don’t disagree with the regulation of the necessary protection measures being applied. But why hasnt the same been applied to the field of culture?
  2. By what logic are citizens allowed to visit public markets, shops, supermarkets and so on, but aren’t allowed to visit first and second degree relatives? Will we be arranging to meet either in public markets, supermarkets or in shops?
  3. Concerning the mass return of Public Service officials and final year secondary school graduates, what provisions are in place for compliance with precautionary measures with regards the physical presence of dozens of people in the same space? Will the provisions of the decrees be observed?
  4. Finally, it is disappointing once again that the people of culture, hundreds of working people, people who have been left helpless, without an income and support, did not hear a single word last night about what will happen with cultural events. It is even more disappointing because Mr. Anastasiades hastened to announce that as of 1st June, going to church for prayers will be allowed for all, whilst he did not announce any plans whatsoever concerning cultural activity. What will apply for that?

We await clarifications from the Ministers in charge and will come back to the issue.


AKEL Workers May Day Declaration 2020


Address by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou on Workers May Day