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Public hospitals mustn’t be left alone to cope – The government must also include private hospitals

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on support for the health system, quarantine areas and for a ceiling on essential goods/items

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th March 2020, Nicosia

healthThe most critical task right now is for the health system to cope with the tremendous pressure it is facing due to the situation and significantly increased needs. In addition to the problems Public Hospitals are facing, is the fact that a considerable number of doctors and nurses are temporarily out of the service because they have been exposed to the coronavirus.

The government must immediately act on two things to assist the health system respond to the demands, needs and pressures.

  1. a) The first thing it must do is to procced to the recruitment of doctors and nurses to staff Public Hospitals. This is an urgent and pressing need.
  2. b) The second thing the government needs to do is to also include private hospitals, as well as general practitioners (GP’s), into the planning and system of providing health care. Public Hospitals must not be left alone to deal with all the situations because they are already on the verge of collapse. Therefore, the government needs to immediately integrate private hospitals into the health system. This is what must be done as far as the health system is concerned.

With regards the quarantine facilities or accommodation units as they are called. What happened yesterday in the quarantine facility at Troodos was really unacceptable and unthinkable. The government must proceed to make use of appropriate hotels and beds which it should transform into an accomadation unit to host those in quarantine, providing them with all the necessities and, of course, to staff them suitably. This must be done immediately.

Lastly, with regard the ceiling: The government has correctly imposed a ceiling on essential items such as antiseptics, masks and thermometers. The ceiling must also apply to other essential items/goods for households.         The government should strengthen and extend controls to combat profiteering phenomena and protect citizens.


AKEL proposes three measures to address the pandemic’s socio-economic consequences