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End the bloodshed and all foreign interventions, for permanent and lasting peace, respect state and popular sovereignty


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on the Berlin Conference on Libya

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th January 2020, Nicosia

libya The Berlin Conference on Libya ended with a declaration issued by the participating states that they would respect the embargo on the sale of arms and put a stop to their interventions in the country, something that remains to be seen and put into practice.

Our wish and hope is to see an end to the bloodshed and the termination of all the foreign interventions in the country, a permanent and lasting peace in Libya and the respect of state and popular sovereignty.

We recall that the current situation has its roots in NATO’s war aggression in Libya that resulted in the collapse of the state, the country being plunged into total chaos and a civil war, but also resulted in the strengthening of extremist formations such as the ‘Islamic State’. That is to say, the very same policy that was implemented by the same forces in both Iraq and Syria.

We point out that it is precisely these conditions which were created by the US- NATO aggressions, which Turkey is invoking to develop its aggressive actions and interventions throughout the whole region.

Today it is once again becoming clear that the resistance to the imperialist aggressions and interventions in our bloodstained neighborhood does not constitute some “ideological obsession”, but this resistance is what the interests of all countries and peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean demand.


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