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AKEL on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women



AKEL C.C. Press Office, 25th November 2019, Nicosia

womenThe International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women shouldn’t be a day where empty wishes are made and emotional feelings expressed. It is a day of reflection on the reality that women are experiencing and of highlighting once again demands and assertions. Violence against women will be combated and eliminated by the State and society pursuing broader extensive policies, through institutional interventions, the implementation of comprehensive legislation and infrastructures, by setting measurable goals and continuous evaluations.

AKEL demands from the government that it submits the required bills, allocates the necessary resources and funds, and establishes mechanisms for the practical implementation of the Istanbul Convention, which is the most comprehensive and modern legal instrument for combatting violence against women.

In addition, AKEL joins its voice with the Progressive Women’s Movement of POGO demanding the immediate withdrawal of all the reservations/exceptions which were set by the Cypriot government to the Istanbul Convention. As it is well known, the Anastasiades government, at the time of the ratification of the Convention, excluded Cyprus from the implementation of substantive provisions of the Convention for economic reasons. For example, Cyprus has been excluded from the provision which obliges the State to provide adequate state compensation to the victims that have suffered serious bodily injury or harm to their health as there no other financial support is provided to women. If however the state refuses to support women who have become disabled as a result of a violent assault by a man and have no other compensation, one wonders what meaning the welfare state has.

Unless specific progress is recorded, we cannot expect any tangible improvement on the issue of violence against women. AKEL, together with the Women’s Movement of POGO, will continue to demand and propose specific policies and measures for the prevention and combatting of all forms of violence against women, as well as the implementation of policies to provide support to the victims.

Lastly, we recall that this year has been marked by the murder of six women and two girls, reaching a total of 37 homicides of women since 2000. However, we are in the 7th month waiting for the finding of the investigation to be released into the responsibilities of the state and police.



The struggle to eradicate violence against women is intertwined with the struggle to create a society free from all exploitation and inequality


Anastasiades needs to abandon his authoritarian and degrading practices against those disagreing with the government’s policy