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“We are basically talking about a sellout of the natural gas”

“Astra” radio station, 8th November 2019

Given the amount and percentages that are being publicized, we will be talking about a selling out of Cyprus’ natural gas, the former Energy Minister and member of the Political Bureau of AKEL Neoklis Sylikiotis characteristically pointed out.

Speaking to the morning programme of “Astra” radio station, he stressed that the contract that was signed with “Noble” company initially claimed revenues of 60% and 40% going to the Republic of Cyprus from the production of natural gas by the companies, while now it is said to be around 50-50%. Mr. Sylikiotis wondered whether other consortium companies would also ask for higher percentages. He also pointed out that revenue rates should have ranged from 62-70% for the state.

The AKEL Political Bureau member also noted that the biggest percentage of the gas liquefaction terminal in Egypt belongs to “Shell”, which is in the joint venture. Neoklis Sylikiotis did not rule out the possibility of the natural gas being sold off and that subsequently the Republic of Cyprus will ahve to import liquefied natural gas from Egypt.


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