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AKEL on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 26th June 2019, Nicosia

The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, set by the United Nations on 26th June, highlights the obligation of the state for a substantive and all-round response to the problem of addiction.

The deterioration of values, the questioning of existing institutions of the social system, but also the constant feeling of insecurity and the pressure exerted on young people, operate as a fertile ground for the phenomenon of drug abuse to develop and flourish.

The phenomenon of addictions which for years has remained a taboo issue for society and public debate is now correctly being perceived by society as a question of Public Health that concerns society as a whole. As a multidimensional problem with multiple causes, the phenomenon of addictions must be addressed comprehensively, by simultaneously promoting preventive measures, measures for ensuring treatment and social reintegration together with enforcement processes.

We note the crucial role played by the Cyprus National Addictions Authority as the state’s principal coordinating body for the implementation of the National Strategy on illicit substances and other dependent substances. Towards this end, the Authority has played a catalytic role in overcoming the stigma and social exclusion of users and addicts and has promoted important legislative regulations such as referring users to treatment programs rather than sending them to jail, also including the recent decision to create a closed treatment centre for minors.

AKEL declares its determination to contribute towards the collective effort to address dependencies. At the same time, we also recognise the worrying dimensions of other addictive behaviors such as gambling, internet and online games. It is therefore urgent to elaborate a holistic policy to handle these issues too, which should address all the problems that our young people face, besides the use of addictive substances.

Today, more than ever, it is vitally important to protect and promote health, human rights and the prosperity of humanity. We need to keep alive the right and hope of people to change their lives.


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