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AKEL delegation concludes visit to Cuba

The fraternal and historical ties between AKEL and the Communist Party of Cuba and will to continue the manifold co-operation between the two Parties was reaffirmed

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18 June 2019, Nicosia

The visit of an official AKEL delegation to Cuba was concluded yesterday, following an invitation extended by the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC). The AKEL delegation, composed of Yiorgos Loucaides, Parliamentary Representative of AKEL and member of the Political Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL and Vera Polycarpou, member of the Central Committee of AKEL and Head of the International Relations and European Affairs Bureau of the C.C. of AKEL, had meetings with numerous officials and representatives.

At the meeting with the Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC, José Ramón Machado Ventura, an exchange of views on the international situation and the international communist movement took place. The Cuban side briefed the delegation of AKEL about the developments in Latin America, and more specifically on the Trump government’s escalation of the aggression against Cuba and the new prohibition measures imposed by the US government on its citizens for visits to Cuba.

On the part of AKEL, Y. Loukaides briefed the Cuban side about the developments surrounding the Cyprus problem, as well as the worrying situation in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean. Furthermore, Y. Loucaides expressed the consistent and unreserved solidarity of AKEL and of the entire Movement of the mass Organizations of the Left of Cyprus towards the struggle waged by Cuba for the termination of the American blockade. The meeting reaffirmed the fraternal and historical ties between AKEL and the Communist Party of Cuba and the will to continue the manifold co-operation between the two Parties.

The AKEL delegation also had a meeting with the Vice-President of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Cuba, Ana María Mari Machado, as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Cuban Communist Youth (UJC), the Ideological Affairs Bureau and Party School of the CPC, the Cuban Institute of Friendship of the Peoples (ICAP) and the Chamber of Commerce of the country.

The Parliamentary Speaker of AKEL Y. Loukaides gave an interview to the newspaper of the Central Committee of the CPC “Granma”, while he also gave a lecture on the Cyprus problem and the results of the recent European elections.

The delegation of AKEL also had a meeting with Dr. Aleida Guevara, while it also paid a visit to the Che Guevera Monument in Santa Clara where it laid flowers at the osario of the legendary revolutionary and his comrades.


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