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The government is dealing with energy issues by engaging in communication games and creating impressions

Statement by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 6 June 2019, Nicosia

We are particularly concerned about the way the government continues to handle the big issue of energy. For some years now, we have been expressing our strong reservations about the fact that the government is unjustifiably delaying the taking of decisions, resulting in international circumstances becoming worse for the export and sale of natural gas. At the same time, instead of seriousness and commitment being demonstrated, the government is dealing with energy issues by engaging in communication games and creating impressions.

After the government leaked to the mass media several sums which go even up to 14 billion euros in profits from the “Aphrodite” deposit, yesterday we heard statements from experts on energy and natural gas talking about 1 to 1.5 billion in profits. And this, provided that the situation with gas prices in Europe improves substantially as far as natural gas prices in Europe are concerned that would make the project according to today’s terms, economically unsustainable.

The Anastasiades-DISY government has now created a well-known pattern in how it handles all issues. It tries to create euphoria on issues that will yield in the long run, hoping that no one will remember what it was saying today. Something similar happened as regards the case of the port of Limassol. The result is that the turnover in the container sector will be reduced as the fees have increased, enormous problems have been provoked to the port’s operation, with the Port Authority in danger of closing down and the state losing a lot of revenue. The government must at long last show seriousness and accountability, at least in relation to such issues as energy, which will determine the future and prospects of our country and people.


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