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AKEL solidarity message to the Sudanese Communist Party

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 6 June 2019, Nicosia

AKEL expresses its full and unreserved solidarity with the Sudanese Communist Party and all the forces that are rallying within the ranks of the Alliance for Freedom and Change, at the forefront of the unyielding and defiant struggle over many months for democracy, justice and freedom in Sudan.

The bloody suppression of the sit down protest meeting in the centre of Khartoum the day before yesterday, with dozens of dead, has once again revealed the real face of the Military Council that has been ruling the country since the previous regime was overthrown last April. Instead of transferring power to a civilian government as it had promised, the Military Council has no hesitation in using brutal violence against the people of the country, who is determinedly and selflessly demonstrating for the implementation of the agreements concluded, in order to pave the way for real democratic freedoms and rights in Sudan. AKEL salutes the vanguard and heroic role played by the Sudanese Communist Party in the popular struggle for democracy and peace in Sudan.

AKEL conveys a message of solidarity to the people of Sudan who are determined to escalate through militant popular mobilizations, strikes and civil disobedience campaigns their struggle against the remnants of the old regime. We unite our voice with your call addressed to the international community, which must exert diplomatic pressure to prevent the arming of paramilitary groups and those armed forces who are blocking Sudan’s path towards democracy.


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