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DISY’s newly-founded sensitivity on the NHS raises many questions and provokes great concern

Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou on NHS

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30 May 2019, Nicosia

Since DISY party chose to remain silent about the National Health Scheme (NHS) during the entire election campaign, it has remembered – three days before its implementation – to express its concerns and reflections. This newly-founded sensitivity raises many questions and provokes great concern.

Questions and great concern are provoked not because no problems are expected. There are indeed problems. As was to be expected, due to the delays and regressions that the government has demonstrated on several issues that should have been resolved in advance, today problems are emerging with regards the procedures for the implementation of the NHS. At the same time, instead of the public Health system being supported by the government with human resources, infrastructures and organization, it was left to be driven into a tragic situation with the danger of not being able to meet the demands of the National Health Scheme.

Our great concern stems from what has been published widely a few months ago about ruling DISY party’s intention to raise the issue of a change in the NHS’ philosophy after the elections. The problems surrounding the NHS’s implementation must be resolved within the framework and philosophy of the Scheme as this was set out by the unanimous decisions approved by the House of Representatives and not to be used as an excuse to reverse this philosophy and context.


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