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Those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

AKEL C.C. Spokesperson Stefanos Stefanou reply to DIKO

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22 May 2019, Nicosia

The DIKO leadership’s attempt to accuse AKEL of neo-liberal politics provokes a wry smile. Who? Those very forces who voted in favour of all the major anti-social policies of the Anastasiades-DISY government. If DIKO has decided during the election campaign to oppose them, they would do well to also engage in self-criticism. In any case, those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…

By the way, we recall what DIKO President Nicolas Papadopoulos said recently in Parliament, explaining why his party voted in favour of the foreclosure bills. He said that the bills on foreclosures address abusive clauses, while the protection of the primary family home, the access of borrowers to the courts and the protection of guarantors is ensured.

They shouldn’t, therefore, talk about a short memory. Written words remain, just like the consequences of the policies they have supported.


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