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The President of the Republic is denigrating the Turkish Cypriots

Statements by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou on the Cyprus problem

16 April 2019 “Astra” radio station

“There is nothing to expect on the Cyprus problem – The President of the Republic is denigrating the Turkish Cypriots”

There is nothing to expect at this moment on the Cyprus problem, the General Secretary of AKEL Andros Kyprianou reiterated.

Speaking to “Astra” radio station he said that the perception being cultivated by the government that that we are waiting for some developments to occur does not correspond to reality as the President of the Republic himself informed the political leaders that there is nothing to anticipate, except for the submission of the UN Secretary General’s report.

Mr. Kyprianou regretted the fact that on both sides positions are being expressed that are destroying every hope for a resumption of the talks.

He pointed out that the President of the Republic himself with his reference to Turkish Cypriot “borrowed” votes (in the European elections) is denigrating our Turkish Cypriot compatriots who are citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

The policy being pursued, the General Secretary of AKEL said, is deliberate, because those implementing it believe they will make Cyprus strong in the face of Turkey. But he added, at some point the President will wake up and find that what he is seeking will not yield any results whatsoever.

He noted that the ideas tabled by the President for decentralized federation and subsequently for a system of parliamentary democracy were not discussed with anybody, while with regards the latter proposal, it was tabled again in the past at the negotiating table and was rejected.

The government ruling forces, added the General Secretary of AKEL perhaps want to create impressions or want to convince the people that there is no solution other than the solution of two states.

“AKEL has no problem going to early parliamentary elections”

AKEL has no problem going to early parliamentary elections, but this isn’t the substance of the matter, underlined the General Secretary of AKEL.

As he stated on “Astra”, given that the Finding of the Commission on the Cooperative Bank assigns all responsibility on the government for the destruction of the Coop Bank, the correct thing then is to go ahead first with presidential elections, since DISY raises the issue of elections.

As to the responsibilities of political parties, Mr. Kyprianou said that these are specific but the Finding does not set forth these responsibilities as a cause of the collapse of the Cyprus Cooperative Bank.

Therefore, he concluded, presidential elections must be held first and then, if the parties wish it, parliamentary elections should also take place.


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