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AKEL GS: Government spokesperson is lying – The issue of Syria was raised at the meeting of Political Leaders

16 April 2018, DIALOGOS website

Government Spokesperson Prodromos Prodromou lied about the meeting of the political leaders where the issue of Syria was also discussed, noted the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL speaking to “ASTRA” radio station.

I myself, Andros Kyprianou underlined, raised the issue of the lies that the US is employing to attack other countries.

He also said that the British bases should not have been used to attack a friendly country, a position supported by former President of the Republic Demetris Christofias too at the meeting.

Therefore, the General Secretary of AKEL stressed, Mr. Prodromou is lying.

British Prime Minister May says is also lying, he added, given that everyone knows that the Bases were used for the attack on Syria. This is the reason why AKEL wants to know what President Anastasiades has replied on this matter.

However because the government and ruling forces have given no answers, they are indulging in artful deceiving rhetoric, such as those of put forth by Mr. Prodromou.

Andros Kyprianou recommended that Mr. Prodromou should be cautious in his statements because he is no longer a spokesperson of DISY, but the government spokesman. He went on to point out that the reference made by Prodromos that “We are not an African country to take decisions on our own” can also cause diplomatic incidents with these countries.

The General Secretary of AKEL announced that AKEL is discussing the possibility of organizing a new mass peace march, like those which took place in the past, noting that the Party’s position on the British bases has not changed.


The government seemingly identifies itself with those who believe that military might can prevail over International Law


Indirect admission by the government that it didn’t seek to prevent the use of the British bases