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Statements by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 22nd March 2018, Nicosia

On the meeting with British High Commissioner Matthew Kidd

AK: With the British High Commissioner, Mr. Matthew Kidd, we exchanged first and foremost some information on the current situation surrounding the Cyprus problem, but also issues related to it, the issues concerning the Exclusive Economic Zone, etc. I once again expressed AKEL’s position on how to overcome the problems that exist at the moment and with regards attempts to resume the negotiations, but also regarding Turkey’s provocations and aggression. We believe that the issues must be addressed aiming at the de-escalation of the tension, rather than its further escalation. The way to radically address all of these issues, of course, is to resume substantive negotiations from the point where had remained in Crans Montana on the basis of the framework tabled there by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, so as to reach an agreement as soon as possible. This agreement must of course liberate us from the occupation and rid us of the possibility of anyone, Turkey in particular, interfering in our internal affairs.

What do you expect from this evening’s summit (of EU leaders)?

AK: A clear message with the decisions to be agreed. Of course I want to clarify something. A decision no matter how strong it may be, doesn’t solve our problems and we know that from the past. It will therefore be a positive step, but we shouldn’t attach to it a greater dimension than it has.

On the meeting with the Minister of Education and Culture

AK: We had a first meeting with the Minister of Education and his associates, which was complimentary. We congratulated him on the serious and very important for society tasks he has undertaken. At the same time, we have outlined some of our own views on Education matters. This is an area that is very important and which can play a very significant role in moving society forward. We believe education and health are two areas in which every society has a duty, and governments even more so of course, to pay more attention to. How much a state respects its citizens is reflected and depends on the importance it attaches to these specific areas.

We have told the Minister that, despite the fact we are in opposition, if we conclude that the Ministry acts correctly, they will have our support and where we disagree, of course, we will attempt through our arguments and in a well-documented manner, to project our own different view.

On the occasion of the meeting, I have to say that we also exchanged views on some issues that are important and timely.

AKEL insists that there should be a postponement in the implementation of the four-month exam issue. It is obvious that all those involved disagree with what is being attempted and I expected that the President of the Republic, listening to the reactions that exist, would tell the Ministry of Education to rethink the issue, to agree to a postponement in order to give the possibility to discuss in depth the issue and for the best possible decisions to be taken.

We have discussed and exchanged some views on the status of those people who are employed as self-employed by the Ministry of Education to teach either in training courses or in state institutes and so on. We have stressed the need for these issues to be addressed correctly and to be resolved as soon as possible.

And we have also exchanged views on the Church’s role on Education issues.

Did you discuss something specific about the latter?

AK: There must be a separation of the role of the state from the role of the Church.

I want to thank the Minister for the discussion we had. It was both substantive and productive.


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