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AKEL welcomes the UN General Assembly resolution denouncing the US blockade against Cuba

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 2nd November 2017, Nicosia

AKEL welcomes the resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly which for yet another year strongly denounces the United States for the inhuman blockade imposed against Cuba for 55 years. With 191 votes in favour and just two against (US and Israel), humanity has politically isolated the US for insisting on continuing the trade, financial and financial blockade.

It is particularly important that the resolution approved comes at a time when the new US government chooses to make new setbacks with regards the normalization of the relations between the two states.

Socialist Cuba is evidently seen as an obstacle to the long-standing US imperialist plans, both in Cuba and throughout the whole of Latin America. Despite the blockade imposed by the United States, Cuba continues to be a shining example for the peoples all over the world through its achievements in areas such as health, education and its internationalist foreign policy.

On this occasion, AKEL once more expresses its solidarity with the struggle of the Cuban people to decide itself its own path of socio-political development.


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