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The Presidential pledges have become a joke

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 12th September 2017, Nicosia

On the eve of the 2013 presidential elections, the then presidential candidate Nikos Anastasiades, stated that “a haircut on bank deposits would be catastrophic for Cyprus” which is precisely why he was pledging that “Nikos Anastasiades won’t sign any Memorandum that would include any provision for deposit haircuts”.

We all know what subsequently happened. Nikos Anastasiades agreed to the haircuts on bank deposits and what he himself had predicted occurred, that is the bankruptcy of the Cyprus economy! Now the government and ruling forces are talking about “growth” and the closing down of the social food banks.

  • The government and ruling forces aren’t interested in the fact that Cyprus leads the way in the table as regards social inequality across the EU.
  • They don’t care if one-third of the population is below the poverty level.
  • They don’t care if wages have been reduced drastically and labour rights abolished

The government and ruling forces only care for the few, the cronies and the privileged. With the policy they are implementing the gap between the rich and the poor is widening and the problems are increasing instead of being solved.

People don’t trust them, whatever the government says, because they know their words have no credibility whatsoever. It’s no accident that the presidential pledges have become a joke.


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