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The government must end its regressions on the General Health Scheme and respect the social majority

Statement by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 30th May 2017, Nicosia

In view of the Ministerial Council scheduled to convene tomorrow, AKEL anticipates the government to adopt and include in the relevant legislation the provision agreed between the political parties in the House of Representatives so that it will be ensured that public hospitals receive state support for a five year term to meet the needs that might arise.

This provision is a prerequisite for the autonomy of public hospitals to proceed smoothly within the context of the implementation of the National Health Scheme.

AKEL urges the government to end the regressions and respect the social majority that has been formed, which demands that we proceed with all that has been agreed, as it had been unanimously decided since 2001 and has been reaffirmed at the two meetings held last summer at the Presidential Palace.

AKEL is rallying its forces together with the “Social Alliance” movement in the campaign to collect signatures for the implementation of the General Health Scheme without any further regressions and delays on the part of the government and ruling forces.

This is the demand of citizens. This is the demand of the times.


Address by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou at the conference “Social Policy in Europe and Cyprus: which Policy?”


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