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AKEL denounces the new attempt by the Finance Minister and DISY to undermine the General Health Scheme

Statements by Yiorgos Loukaides, Parliamentary Representative of AKEL-Left-New Forces Group, following the session of the Parliamentary Committee on Health

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th May 2017, Nicosia


I would like on behalf of AKEL to denounce in the strongest possible terms the new attempt by the Minister of Finance to undermine the General Health Scheme.

It is regrettable and tragic, but also paradoxical, that the opposition, the biggest party of the opposition, has proceed to go a long way on its positions in an effort to promote the reform. The trade unions on their own part have also gone a long way, but until right now just before the very end we are witnessing sections of the government formation, but also DISY leadership continuing their attempts to undermine this extremely important and necessary reform for society and patients.

Αn end must be put to this unacceptable stand on the part of the Government and DISY leadership. This state of affairs in their attempt to serve big private interests in the health sector cannot continue. The social majority that has been forged should be respected; a majority demanding that we proceed with all that has been agreed, as these have been been unanimously decided since 2001 and reaffirmed at the two meetings at the Presidential palace last summer.


Big private interests, allied with DISY and DIKO appear to be scheming to submit amendments that will serve these interests


Address by the General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL A. Kyprianou at the conference “Social Policy in Europe and Cyprus: which Policy?”