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AKEL replies to DIKO on the General Health Scheme

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 19th March 2017, Nicosia

healthAKEL has coherent and very clear positions on the General Health Scheme (GHS). That is, we should proceed to the implementation of what had been agreed in 2001 between the political parties and social forces, as well as of all that had been agreed at the meeting of the leaders of political parties at the Presidential Palace. The decision taken by the leaders of the political parties provides for the gradual implementation of the GHS, precisely in order to address the numerous problems the public health sector is facing.

The proposal belatedly tabled by the President of DIKO refers to a “mini-GHS”, which had been announced by the government and subsequently rejected by the majority of the political forces that led to the idea being abandoned.

What the President of DIKO says about the involvement of insurance companies refers to a multi-insurance system which the government and ruling forces attempted to introduce into the GHS, something that was also rejected by the majority of political forces.

Therefore, what the President of DIKO proposes undermines the efforts to promote the GHS, whose implementation has been hugely delayed because of the government’s regressions and efforts to change its character.

The interest and interventions of AKEL and its General Secretary on the problems of patients and the public health sector is continuous and ongoing. This interest and intervention is neither belated, nor does it serve any pre-election considerations.

We will not reply to the assertion made that Andros Kyprianou is supposedly acting as Mr. Anastasiades’ lawyer. We respect the intelligence of citizens who are wondering, how comes a party that supported Mr. Anastasiades in the elections, that participated in his government and supported the government’s fundamental neoliberal and anti-social policies is accusing others of acting as the President’s lawyers?


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Statements by Stefanos Stefanou, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson