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Hiroshima-Nagasaki: Humanity remembers the crime committed by the US


AKEL C.C. Press Office, 5th August 2016, Nicosia

hiroshima interRight now the entire planet recalls one of the most terrible crimes committed by imperialism against humanity, the dropping of atom bombs by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a crime for which the US persists on not apologizing for. What is more it is known that the dropping of the atom bombs did not serve any need of the war, given that, at that time, Hitler fascism had effectively been defeated and militarist Japan was ready to capitulate. This action was a show of strength by the US in order to intimidate the Soviet Union, the anti-colonial movements and peoples of the world who had begun their struggles for national independence, social justice and lasting peace.

The condemnation of the nuclear holocaust committed by the US back then has a meaning if it is linked to the struggle being waged today to rid humanity of nuclear weapons, which continue to pose a threat to life itself on the planet. AKEL recalls that the Non-Proliferation Treaty provides not only for the prohibition of the acquisition of nuclear weapons by other states other than the five recognized nuclear states. It also includes the commitment of all the states of the world to conduct negotiations until a global and complete nuclear disarmament under strict and international control is achieved. Unfortunately, such a development does not appear even on the horizon. Instead, the US, NATO and the EU continue to provide cover to Israel which has a powerful nuclear arsenal, in violation of the Treaty and which impedes the efforts to declare the Middle East a zone free from weapons of mass destruction.

AKEL is struggling, together with the progressive forces of the region, to fulfill in practice the goal of the denuclearization of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. We recall that the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, with a resolution unanimously approved in 2014, called on the government to undertake diplomatic action towards this end, which would represent a significant contribution to peace and security. Global nuclear disarmament continues to be a historic challenge for the whole of humanity. The future generations are entitled to live in a world without the threat of a nuclear Armageddon.


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