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For all that unites us, on Sunday we can together make the difference!


Statement by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 20th May 2016, Nicosia


gsWe have reached the end of the pre-election campaign. We are proud of the fact that during this campaign we have submitted a creditable political proposal before the people; a strong and combative candidate list. From the beginning, we acted and struggled in a dignified and ethical manner.

On Sunday we ask the people to judge our positions and proposals, to trust AKEL-Left-New Forces so that it can defend the interests of the many rather than those of a select and privileged few.

On Sunday we are calling on the people to participate in the parliamentary elections.

Abstention is not going to change anything.

Abstention is not going to reduce unemployment.

It will not raise wages.

It will not help students who are being forced to stop their studies.

It would not ensure that health and education will not be completely demolished.

Abstention is not going to prevent foreclosures of primary family homes and small business premises, nor privatizations.

Abstention will not rid us of corruption and interwoven interests.

Abstention is not going to lessen the arrogance and authoritarianism with which this government takes decisions and subsequently issues orders.

If bills that drastically affect our lives, that will dismantle all those gains and rights achieved by the previous generations and that will destroy any prospect for the future of young people have been approved in the House of Representatives by just a single vote, then we can all understand how important it is for each and every one of us to go to the ballot box and cast our vote for AKEL-Left-New Forces.

Everyone knows all too well that we are not some circumstantial political formation for individual interest. Our presence in our country’s political life is born out of society’s need for a better life for all. It is not the outcome of the personal ambitions of those dreaming of acquiring Presidential chairs, personal rewards and political glory.

We are the force that has the power to contribute and guarantee a just, functional and viable solution of the Cyprus problem.

We are the force that has the strength to resist with consistency the anti-social policies imposed by the Anastasiades-DISY government and the Troika.

On Sunday, citizens have a clear dilemma before them.

Those disagreeing with the government and ruling forces that we are living through some supposed “success story”, that citizens are prospering but have not yet realized that things are progressing tremendously which is why the same path and policies must continue, can make the difference.

Those belonging to the overwhelming majority of the people who are outraged by the injustice, who see their incomes continually falling and our society becoming the most unequal European society, who detest the government’s authoritarianism, should with their vote give strength to the force that resists all these policies and practices.

If they belong to those who see all that we have gained over decades of struggles being abolished, let them make the difference on Sunday.

They should strengthen AKEL-Left-New Forces for:

  • responsibility, consistency and patriotic assertion to solve the Cyprus problem and the waging of a consistent struggle against nationalism – chauvinism
  • social cohesion and progress for all
  • access to quality health and medical care
  • protection of public wealth and assets
  • protection of primary family homes and small business premises
  • quality education
  • dignity and pride for elderly people

The stronger AKEL is going to be, the greater the hope and perspective of our country taking an alternative path will be, the path of economic and social progress.

For all of these policies that unite us, on Sunday we can, together, make the difference!


Press Conference of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of AKEL, on the issue of the economy


AKEL proposals for the modernization of Semi-governmental Organizations