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AKEL at the forefront of the struggle to prevent the plundering of public wealth

Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th February 2016, Nicosia


econ cytaAKEL considers the debate due to take place next Monday in the Parliamentary Finance Committee on the Bills relating to the Anastasiades-DISY government’s scheming to sell out the Semi-governmental Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) as a positive development. We expect that the jointly proposed Bill of the parties AKEL, EDEK, the Greens and “Citizens Alliance” will also be included in them, as well as our relevant letter, as we have been calling for some time.

Given the public disagreement expressed by the opposition parties, including the Democratic Party, with the government’s philosophy and approaches to sell off CYTA, the immediate rejection of the government Bills is logically to be expected.

One expects from all those who have already expressed their disagreement that they will indeed remain consistent to their public declarations, preventing the looting and plundering of public wealth and CYTA’s profits that is being promoted; preventing the plundering of consumers from the private oligopoly and from the cartels that will be set up, as is already happening with fuel and other sectors of the economy; preventing the looting of taxpayers with the hundreds of millions of Euros which the government and ruling forces will burden them with for the transfer to the state of CYTA employee’s payroll, despite their own opposition to privatizations.


The public character of Semi-governmental organizations must be preserved


The public health sector is in ruins because of the austerity and cuts imposed by the Anastasiades-DISY government