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AKEL Declaration of the anniversary of the fascist coup

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 15th July 2015, Nicosia

cpr praksikopima 197415th July 1974 has been registered as one of the darkest pages in Cyprus’ contemporary history. The coup d’état was not some sudden act of insane people. It was the culmination of a premeditated crime that had been planned for years. The fascist coup d’état of the Greek junta and EOKA B attempted to overthrow and murder Makarios and resulted in the brutal invasion of the Turkish Attila army.

Since then 41 years have passed, and Turkey still has under its military occupation 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, imposing partition through the force of arms. Since then the wounds on the body of Cyprus and our people remain open with the Cyprus problem still unresolved. The wounds of the missing persons, the enclaved people in the occupied areas, refugees and war-stricken people are still bleeding. The threat of new evils and tragedies still hangs over Cyprus. All of this would not exist had the fascist coup d’état not been executed. The responsibilities of those who prepared – both politically and ideologically – organized and carried out the coup are overwhelmingly enormous, as well as of all those who welcomed and supported it morally and politically. The passage of time does not nullify these responsibilities.

The Finding of the House of Representatives regarding the File on the Cyprus tragedy is very clear. The coup d’état was the result of a conspiracy that was formulated by the US and NATO and whose execution was assigned to the Junta of Athens and EOKA B of Grivas. Any other approach constitutes a rape of the historical truth and aims at pardoning and acquitting the major culprits of the Cyprus tragedy. We stress that in so far as it depends on AKEL this falsification and forgery of the historical truth will not pass; that AKEL will not allow the dust of forgetfulness that certain forces and circles are deliberately stirring to obscure the minds and consciences of people. We will continue our struggle to keep the historical truth alive, because only this can help in avoiding the repetition of the same mistakes in the future and in reliving tragedies.

Today the ideology and practice of Grivas is reviving in the form of extreme nationalism, the glorification of the leader of EOKA B and the anti-federation hysteria of right-wing fascist organizations. All those who breed these phenomena expecting petty partisan and electoral benefits endanger democracy and the future of this country.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the black coup d’état, AKEL denounces in the strongest possible terms the fascist coup of 15th July 1974 and all its participants. It pays homage to the memory of the fallen Resistance fighters and embraces their families with respect. AKEL expresses its gratitude to all the Resistance fighters, who through their struggles saved the dignity of our people. It condemns once again the crimes that were committed in the eight-day prevalence of the coup d’état. AKEL denounces and stigmatizes the theory of “obeying orders” and “honest, patriotic motives “, on the basis of which certain forces and circles equate those who executed and participated in the coup d’état and Resistance fighters.

AKEL condemns and denounces in the strongest terms the Turkish invasion, the continuing occupation and all its consequences. It reaffirms its willingness to continue the struggle to arrive as soon as possible to a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution that will liberate and reunite our country and people, and that will be in line with International Law and the UN Charter and restore the human rights and basic freedoms of our people.

On the occasion of the 41st anniversary of the coup d’état and the invasion, AKEL is organizing a mass anti-occupation meeting in memory, honor and struggle on Wednesday, 15th July 15 at the open amphitheatre of “Skali” in Nicosia. AKEL calls on the people with their mass and dynamic participation in this event to honor our dead, demonstrate our resolve not to let anything be forgotten and to continue the struggle for the vindication of Cyprus and our people.


Speech of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the mass meeting in solidarity with the Greek people


Speech by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. OF AKEL, at the mass meeting to condemn the black anniversaries of the fascist coup d’état and Turkish invasion