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AKEL participates at the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

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AKEL is represented at the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties that will be held in Guayaguil of Ecuador by Costas Christodoulides, Head of the International and European Affairs Bureau of AKEL and Vera Polycarpou, member of the C.C. AKEL. The Meeting will be held between 13-15 November under the title “The role of the communists and workers’ parties in the struggle against imperialist, capitalist exploitation, which causes crisis and wars, and encourages fascist and nationalist forces against the rights of workers and peoples, social and national emancipation, the development of the classist fight and socialism”.



“The Economic and Social Situation in the EU and the Memoranda” - Hearing that was co-organized by the GUE/NGL, AKEL, Portuguese Communist Party, United Left (Spain)


Meeting organised in cooperation with GUE/NGL on "The Economic and Social Situation in Europe and the Memoranda"