Home  |  AKEL abroad   |  “The Economic and Social Situation in the EU and the Memoranda” – Hearing that was co-organized by the GUE/NGL, AKEL, Portuguese Communist Party, United Left (Spain)

“The Economic and Social Situation in the EU and the Memoranda” – Hearing that was co-organized by the GUE/NGL, AKEL, Portuguese Communist Party, United Left (Spain)


crisis econThe General Secretary of the C.C. AKEL Andros Kyprianou was one of the main speakers at the Hearing that was co-organized by the GUE/NGL, AKEL, Portuguese Communist Party, United Left (Spain) on the topic “The Economic and Social Situation in the EU and the Memoranda”.

Other contributors were Joao Fereira – EMP and member of tge C.C. of the Portuguese C.P., Carlos Martinez – Spanish Union ATTAC, Cayo Laea – EMP of Izquierda Plural (Spain), Pambis Kyritsis – PEO (Cyprus) and Nikos Trimikliniotis – Movement against Foreclosures (Cyprus).

Andros Kyprianou held also meetings with the National Coordinator of Spain Cayo Lara and the President of the Left Party of Sweden Jonas Sjöstedt.

Read further:

Programme of the Hearing

Address by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL

Intervention of Pambis Kyritsis, General Secretary of PEO





Address by Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, at the Meeting of the GUE/NGL Group entitled "The Economic and social situation in the EU and the Memoranda"


AKEL participates at the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties