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AKEL is determined to fight against the fascist threat



AKEL C.C. Press Office, 17th September 2014, Nicosia

pavlosfyssasTomorrow 18th September one year will have passed since the murder of the Greek anti-fascist fascist artist, Pavlos Fyssas, by members of the fascist organization “Golden Dawn”.

This painful anniversary coincides with the revelations of phone conversations between leading members of “Golden Dawn”, where two days after the murder, they mock and insult the dead artist in a disgusting manner. In other audio recordings, the remanded “Golden Dawn” Member of Parliament Lagos confesses that he was the organizer of the murderous attack against trade unionists of the All Workers Militant Front (PAME), which took place a few days before the murder of Fyssas.

“Golden Dawn”, like other fascist-type organizations, is a criminal organization, both because of its activity, but also due to its ideology. It admits hatred of Communists and fury against democracy. It preaches the theory of the supposedly “biological superiority of the race” over all others and proclaims nationalism. It is the enemy of humanism and stands against humanity’s real progress.

The national socialist-fascist ideology portrays itself as anti-systemic and incorruptible, whilst in reality it exploits the existing real inequalities that the system generates in order to serve the powerful interests and exploitative character of the system. Those funding them are traditionally part of the ruling class. Neither Nazi Germany nor Fascist Italy changed the system. On the contrary, they imposed a brutal dictatorship by cooperating with the most powerful monopolies, leading to the outbreak of the Second World War to satisfy the greedy nature of the expansionism of the regimes they represented.

Today, we are following the rise of reactionary, fascist and racist movements in Europe. In Ukraine, the Right Sector participates in government and is dragging the region into a new war, dividing the Ukrainian people on the pretext of its liberation from Russia.

These forces receive support from foreign decision making centres, such as the United States, NATO and the European Union, especially from some of its countries. However, humanity will soon reap the sow of storms from this support given to them. The same thing also occurred in Asia, where fanatic Islamic organizations that teach hatred and dictatorship of sharia law, were supported by the CIA, the United States and Britain to fight against the then “axis of evil”, only for these very organisations to return as the contemporary axis of evil.

In France, the reactionary and racist right-wing has for some time raised its head, and the same is happening in other developed capitalist countries as well.

In Cyprus, where branches of the “Golden Dawn”, as well as other reactionary organizations are operating, AKEL has long been issuing warnings that the danger is real. It has recently been proved that they are carrying out military-style exercises and select the “appropriate” time to spread their nationalist hatred. They use rhetorical and “digestible” slogans, as well as “charity hand-outs”, to recruit young people and vulnerable groups in the hate campaign they are conducting.

No further tolerance should be shown by the state. Their promotion by the mass media on the pretext of democracy can only provoke anger, given that we are referring to organizations and individuals who openly defend Hitler fascism as the solution to the world’s problems. They are the same forces that are attempting to divide the working people and society on the basis of race, ethnicity, language or religion. They obscure and hide the real causes of social inequality since they blame them on immigrants, while supporting the establishment of a militarist, fascist state.

Their political ancestors in Greece were collaborators, cooperating with the German occupiers, whilst in Cyprus they were the ones who deliberately opened the gate through the fascist coup d’état for Turkey to invade and occupy our country. They never were genuine patriots.

AKEL expresses its determination against the fascist threat, both in Europe, but also against the dangers that are real in Cyprus. It urges the Cypriot people not to tolerate any organization of a reactionary character, let alone fascist organizations.

AKEL will continue to take initiatives to organize debates and other activities. On this issue the greatest possible unity of all democratic forces is required.


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