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We seek for transparency in Health Scheme

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th June 2014, Nicosia

AKEL addresses the issues of public health with the utmost seriousness, responsibility and focused solely on ensuring the right of the provision of quality health care to Cypriot citizens with dignity and without discriminations.

imagesWe call on the government to proceed immediately towards the implementation of the General Health Scheme (GHS) as approved
by the Cyprus House of Representatives in 2001. The GHS is the outcome of a consensus of the entire Cypriot society and this consensus must be preserved. This consensus must not be shattered on the pretext of “modernization” as the Minster of Health likes to call, in a targeted way, the surrender of health insurance rights to private companies. Nor can we accept the downgrading being attempted by the Anastasiades government with regards the role of the obligation the autonomous and independent Health Insurance Agency should perform.

We demand that the Minister of Health stop acting unilaterally in conditions of non-transparency. We call for transparent procedures, social dialogue and the participation of society as a whole in safeguarding the right to health. We urge the Minister of Health not to bring fait accomplis before the House, by submitting any Bills for immediate approval without any debate, because it will bear all the responsibility for any negative developments.

AKEL will stand as a bastion of resistance to combat any plans to turn the right to health into a privilege for those who have money and calls on professionals in the health sector and Cypriot citizens to act in the same direction.


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