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People remains misinformed regarding the 4th Memorandum with the Troika


Statement of Georgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Spokesperson

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 18th May 2014, Nicosia

ÕÐÏÕÑÃÅÉÏ ÏÉÊÏÍÏÌÉÊÙÍ - ÊËÉÌÁÊÉÏ ÔÑÏÉÊÁÓOnce again the government, behind society’s and the political forces backs and without any prior consultation and dialogue whatsoever, has agreed with the Troika the 4th updated version of the Memorandum. With Cypriot society and political forces kept in the dark and informed only by whatever targeted leaks and government statements are made, the government is called upon to answer the following questions:

– Why has the government once again ignored everyone and proceeded unilaterally and arrogantly to conclude agreements which change even plan for the General Health Scheme agreed long ago? When does the government intend to send the updated Memorandum to the country’s political and social forces and agencies so that citizens can have first-hand knowledge of the government’s agreements, which in fact it is promoting in a festive way?

– What do the new praises the obediently subservient to the Memorandum government is receiving from the Troika mean for our people who are continuing to be plunged into poverty, for the workers who see their wages and rights being cut, for the young people who are leaving Cyprus, for the 80,000 unemployed, the pensioners and vulnerable groups of the population whose benefits are also being slashed, for the small businesses closing down one after the other, for those in danger of losing their very homes because they can’t now afford to pay their loans, for the profitable Semi- governmental organizations and for the 48,000 of our fellow citizens who today depend on the social food banks to be fed?


Address of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, to the Conference organized by SIDIKEK Trade Unions on "Working people and society can prevent the selling off of the Semi-state organizations"


Social food banks and high unemployment do not consist a "new economic miracle"