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The government continues turning the back on dialogue


Statement by AKEL C.C. Spokesperson George Loucaides

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 14th May 2014, Nicosia

Austerity aheadThe government of the Democratic Rally party and Nicos Anastasiades is continuing to turn its back on dialogue and consensus, totally ignoring social organisations and parties on critical issues affecting Cypriot society and citizens.

The ruling forces are arrogantly and unilaterally promoting and imposing anti-social policies, whether against pensioners and vulnerable groups of the population, or by selling off profitable Semi-state organisations and enforcing the full liberalization of shop opening hours, or whether concerning the decisions they are taking together with the Troika within the context of updating the Memorandum.

We call on the government to change course and even belatedly to inform society and the political forces about their plans and designs it is promoting in the updated Memorandum with regards the acceleration of the procedure for the selling-off/sale of property and the current reversal of the General Health Scheme which had been agreed previously by all the involved agencies and political parties.

We warn the Anastasiades government and the DISY party that it will have to face and confront AKEL, but also the overwhelming majority of the Cypriot people, if they attempt to punish the victims of the banking crime again by turning citizens into homeless people in order to protect the few large-debtors who owe €6.5 billion. We once again stress that immediately after the European elections we will again table for approval in the House of Representatives the draft Bill  proposed together by AKEL and EDEK for the protection of the primary family residence, where each and every political party, as well as the government, will be called upon to assume their responsibilities.

The government and ruling forces will also find people and society in general confronting them if they have unilaterally introduced provisions in the Memorandum that reverse the plans for the General Health Scheme agreed long ago, so that large private interests, who are behind the insurance companies, will once again benefit.


Government continues heartlessness towards pensioners


Address of Andros Kyprianou, General Secretary of the C.C. of AKEL, to an open debate with the environmental movements and NGO's on European environmental issues