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AKEL denounces the looting of the central offices of the Communist Party of Ukraine by the Neo-Nazis

AKEL C.C. Press Office, 10th April 2014, Nicosia

AKEL condemns in the strongest possible terms yet another fascist act of the neo-Nazi circles in Ukraine, who yesterday evening burnt the building of the Central Committee of the CP Ukraine in Kiev. This action follows the persistent looting and destruction of Party offices in various regions of the country which began on 22nd February. At the same time, militants of the Communist Party are being persecuted and tortured, while the Ukrainian government, in which Nazi and extreme right forces participate, remains indifferent to the fascist and anti-communist hysteria that is growing throughout the country.

We recall that the political ground for the actions of the extreme right-wing circles has also created by the policy implemented by the EU and the USA in the Ukraine. The political and financial support towards the extreme right-wing forces in Ukraine and the persistent tolerance shown by EU officials to these phenomena, with the sole aim to overthrow the Yanukovych government, continue to reinforce the fascist onslaught which more and more is expanding right across the country. The consequences of these actions will bring incalculable negative consequences for the Ukrainian people and the peoples of Europe.

We call on the United Nations, the U.S. and the EU even at this stage to denounce these actions and act to prevent their chosen ones in the administration of Ukraine from continuing their atrocities against the communists in the country and in general against all those who do not identify with them.


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