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Exoneration of the Troika “Therapy” by the government

Statement by Giorgos Loucaides, AKEL C.C. Press Office Spokesperson
Unfortunately, once again on the BBC airwaves, the Government via the Finance Minister is attempting to paint a pretty picture of the Cyprus economy’s situation, ignoring all the tragic developments that are developing in our country against working people, small and medium businesses, young people, pensioners and the vulnerable groups of the population, given that the economy is continuing to go from bad to worse.
Even worse, not only is the government ignoring the unbearable social cost caused by the “therapy” of tough austerity, deregulation of labour relations and privatisations that have been imposed on us by the Troika loaners, but it has gone even further. It has completely exonerated the Troika of its responsibilities, at the same time when throughout Europe and even inside institutional EU bodies, such as the European Parliament, it is being openly challenged. It is being challenged both with regards the “therapy” it is imposing, but also the institution of the Troika itself which is devoid of any democratic legitimacy, referring to colonial practices.
The people know very well why the government is adopting this position.
Regardless of the causes and responsibilities for the banking crisis in Cyprus, the government and ruling forces are completely identified and in line with the neo-liberal policies the Troika is imposing as a “therapy”, given that this is how their fundamental goal of distributing wealth to the benefit of the big private interests is implemented.



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