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Society is called upon to choose between an economy for the many or for the privileged few


Statement by the Head of the Economic Studies Bureau of AKEL on the EU’s Cyprus economy forecasts

13th May 2021, AKEL C.C. Press Office, Nicosia

The European Commission’s spring forecast for the Cyprus economy confirms working people’s dire economic situation during the pandemic. This picture proves how timely and imperative is the need for a change in the Cyprus economy’s philosophy.

A strategy of economic growth that will have increases in working people’s incomes as its driving force is required, leaving to the past an economy that has no compass, an economy that has pursued “get-rich-quick” policies and short-lived profiteering. Now is the time for:

  • Legislation that makes the implementation of agreed collective agreements mandatory in each sector.
  • Establishment of a mechanism for tripartite consultation and negotiation through which the minimum wage and basic labour rights will be ensured for those working people not covered by collective agreements.
  • Combating false self-employment and terminating the policy of purchasing services to cover permanent needs in the public and semi-public sector.

The Anastasiades-DISY Government has shown that it cannot offer this perspective the day after the pandemic. That is precisely why society in the upcoming elections is called to choose between an economy for the many or an economy for the privileged few.

A vote for AKEL is a shield of protection for working people and a force for society.


AKEL extends its wishes on occasion of Bayram (Eid Fetir Sa'ed)


The only solution is the termination of the Israeli occupation and colonalisation of Palestine